
时间:2020-01-15 15:39:05   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络


越来越多的同学问到雅思机考,也计划去考机考。我也认真翻阅了“雅思哥”上最近的 100 次回忆,尝试寻找出一定的考试规律,方便你未雨绸缪,不用在机考和笔试之间纠结。

机考的传统优势很明显: 时间密集(每天都有,早中晚三场),出分快(5-7 天),2020年将有更多考点(覆盖到全国14个城市)

但缺点也不少:每次的考位很少。且 同一时间,不同考区,不同机器的题目都不同(极大地防止了作弊)。


而且,理论上而言, 机考场次这么多,重复题目的概率肯定更大。如果恰巧你也要参加机考,不妨收藏本文(顺带点赞转发就更好了)。

话不多说,我找到 3 个雅思机考规律是:

1. 小作文不同图形出现频率更平均

2. 大作文没有新题

3. 大作文不同问法出现频率更平均


1. 小作文不同图形出现频率更平均

常规笔试,历年的数据几乎固定不变,即:柱状图和表格相对考察更多。而根据已有的回忆, 在机考中,饼图和线图出现的概率反而更大

除了 仍旧很少考到的流程和地图,其他的四种常规图形(线、柱、饼、表)的概率几乎相似。组合图我只看到了一次回忆,可以忽略不计。

这意味着:以前投机,把柱状图搞定即可,现在不得不 每种图形都熟练掌握。宝宝不开心。

2. 大作文没有新题

这一条和我的预判是一样的,既然是大密度的机考,出新题肯定是来不及了。 只能反复炒现饭。而纸质的时候,大约有 20%-30% 的题目是新题,还很难。


在我看到的最新的 100 次考试回忆中,不仅 都是老题,而且就在最近一个月已经被重复的老题有下面 5 道,大家重点关注:

In some countries, people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem?


Some people think that the main purpose of school is to turn children as good citizens and workers, rather than benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

学校的主要目的是什么?有点难,有点老的题目(2011 年笔试出现过)。

Some people prefer to provide help or support directly to the local community while others think we should donate aid to national or international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

捐款的方式问题。也是偏难,较老的题目(2015 年笔试出现过)。

In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food that has been transported from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks?


Some people believe that spending money on developing technology for space exploration is not justified, there are more beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


虽说全是老题,但 机考会重复非常、非常、非常老的题目,也就是近 5 年,纸质雅思几乎没出现的题目,比如:

Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

间隔年 gap year 这是老题的鼻祖了。我记得我当年刚接触雅思的时候(2007 年),就已经是老题了。

Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, but others think people should have freedom to choose sports activities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


In most countries, with the widespread of the use of Internet, people have more freedom to choose to work and study at home instead of traveling to work or college. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

互联网和老师 pk ?真的感觉 pk 了一个世纪。

还有一个细节需要注意,就是所有的题目虽然是老题,但是 并不都是雅思大陆区的老题,有部分题目是重复的海外区的考题,比如下面这几道:

2019.12.14 Many people regard films as a less important form of art than literature and painting. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2016.7月海外场)

2019.12.14 Doctors recommend that older people should get regular exercise. However, many older people do not take enough exercise. What could be the reasons for this? What can be done to encourage them to take exercise?(2017.6月海外场)

2019.12.14 Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. While others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(2015.10月海外场)

2019.12.14 Sport is becoming a business. More and more companies are getting involved in sporting events. Do you think that it is a positive or negative development?(2013.4月海外场)

2019.12.21 More and more people now own cars. What are the problems associated with an increase in the usage of private cars? How can these problems be solved?(2013.5月海外场)

2019.12.28 The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advanced technology which can prevent and solve a crime. Do you agree or disagree?(2017.4月海外场)

2019.12.14 Increasing number of people are choosing cosmetology surgery to improve their appearance. What are the reasons? Do you think is it a positive or negative development? (2019.7 海外场)

2019.12.14 Many people believe that best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there a small difference of the earning between the richest members and poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2018.3月海外场)


最后需要补充一个机考的“预言家属性”。 昨天推送里面提到“ 2020.1.11 雅思写作的奇葩题目”,其实在机考的 2019.11.30 就出现了

所以, 即便你不考机考,也值得看一眼机考题目,特别是之前提到的相对大陆考题机经来讲更陌生的题目。

3. 大作文不同问法出现频率更平均

从笔试的雅思来看,“To what extent do you agree or disagree?”的问法是一家独大的,占比超过 50%。但是机考没有这样的规律。每种问法比较平均。这意味着,那些 不是常规议论文的问法,就需要我们多多关注了。


What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem?

What are the reasons and effects of this trend?

What are the reasons? Do you think is it a positive or negative development?

What problems will this bring and how can we solve them?


所以,又新增一个机考的“坑”,就是 每种提问方式对应的文章框架都要掌握。不过,雅思写作规律性还是比较强,常见的框架也就这么几种,能熟练运用其中一个即可:议论文框架千千万,我却只爱ta

最后,如此“不严谨”的一个总结,必须要强调再三:因为考生的回忆很有限, 这些规律远不及笔试的规律靠谱。仅作参考。

大家如果是常规参加笔试考试,可以关注我写的:2019 年写作全年分析(纸质考试版)。


因为 好的文章,其实更多是改出来的。笔试的时候,几乎只能一遍成稿,没有时间擦掉重写,所以逼着我们要谨小慎微,瞻前顾后。


1. 先写大纲关键词,然后再写全文

2. 先把每段的第一句(主题句)写好,再依次写展开的部分

3. 随意调换每段、每句的位置

4. 反复修改重写一个句子,直到自己满意为止

5. 话题关键词替换可以先写在最上面,后面每次提到,剪切粘贴,更不重复

6. 句子结构看不清?我们每句单独成段,依次改错和避免句式重复,最后再合成一段

当然,机考能这么“骚”,取决于一个核心技能,就是 打字要够快。1 个小时,打 400 字(小作文 150+ 大作文 250+),不算太大的挑战。而且雅思从来也不因为字写得多就拿高分,稍微练练,基本问题不大。

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