[USA]Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

时间:2021-05-22 01:34:42   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络

Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

从美国来考察的校长 Wayne 今天就要走了,虽然是周末,我们几个还是都赶来送行。这两天可给这位校长伺候美了,临别的时候抱着外教 Tony 一个劲儿地感谢 :"Thanks a lot~we have so many fond memories of these days."

Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

得嘞,今儿个咱们就来说一下这个“留下美好的回忆”的专属说法儿~have fond memories of,fond本身就是"喜爱的或喜欢的"意思,而跟 memories 结合起来就带有了"happy and loving" 快乐美好的、深情的味道,所以那位校长刚才是在说"非常感谢~这些日子给我们留下了很多美好的回忆。"

Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

have fond memories of something/somebody


【En】to remember someone or something with great pleasure. 愉快地记住某人或某事。If you have fond memories of someone or something, you remember them with pleasure. 如果你对某人或某事有美好的回忆,你会愉快地记住他们。

Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

【Scenario Listening 场景听力】

fond memories 美好的回忆.mp30:09


● Marie still had fond memories of their time together.


● I have very fond memories of living in our village.


Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

【Scenario Example 场景示例】

● I have fond memories of my college days.


● Many of us have fond memories of our childhoods.


● We said a fond farewell to each other (= we said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write.


Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

● I have fond memories of picnics with my parents.


● His smile widened as many fond memories came flooding back.


● She had fond memories of the two days she had spent at this picturesque and chic country inn and spa on her last visit to France


Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说Do you have fond memories? 留下美好的回忆原来可以这么说

● I do have fond memories of my childhood.


● He ought to have fond memories of the place.


● She would have been pleased that the youngsters who come and go will have fond memories of their day in hospital.



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