
时间:2020-01-21 12:52:36   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络

原标题:npj: 材料逆设计—梦想有多大,设计就有多强?


来自印度三星研发院三星技术研究所下一代研究实验室的Piyush M. Tagade和Shashishekar P. Adiga,开发了一种基于深度学习的逆预测框架,即“新型条件采样进行属性驱动的材料设计的结构学习”(SLAMDUNCS),用于精准设计具有目标性能的材料。他们将贝叶斯推论应用于三种代表性应用中,设计具有所需性能的有机分子:锂离子电池的高稳定性电解质、有机薄膜晶体管的n型和p型有机半导体、有机太阳能电池中使用的有机小受体分子。作者成功地在数据库外生成了具有目标性能的分子,其中的一小部分已通过第一性原理模拟作过验证。这主要基于他们的贝叶斯框架实现的,该框架可以获得一组分子结构,而不是由现有技术最优化方法预测的单个结构。


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 5: 127 (2019),英文标题与摘要如下,点击可以自由获取论文PDF。

Attribute driven inverse materials design using deep learning Bayesian framework

Piyush M. Tagade, Shashishekar P. Adiga, Shanthi Pandian, Min Sik Park, Krishnan S. Hariharan & Subramanya Mayya Kolake

Much of computational materials science has focused on fast and accurate forward predictions of materials properties, for example, given a molecular structure predict its electronic properties. This is achieved with first principles calculations and more recently through machine learning approaches, since the former is computation-intensive and not practical for high-throughput screening. Searching for the right material for any given application, though follows an inverse path—the desired properties are given and the task is to find the right materials. Here we present a deep learning inverse prediction framework, Structure Learning for Attribute-driven Materials Design Using Novel Conditional Sampling (SLAMDUNCS), for efficient and accurate prediction of molecules exhibiting target properties. We apply this framework to the computational design of organic molecules for three applications, organic semiconductors for thin-film transistors, small organic acceptors for solar cells and electrolyte additives with high redox stability. Our method is general enough to be extended to inorganic compounds and represents an important step in deep learning based completely automated materials discovery.

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