【衡道丨干货】WHO图注英文学习手帐 (性腺母细胞瘤)

时间:2024-07-11 13:00:51   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络






Gonadoblastoma is a distinctive form of in situ germ cell neoplasia consisting of germ cells, at least some of which are similar to those of germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) of the testis, arranged in nests with incompletely differentiated sex cord cells.



ICD-O coding

9073/1 Gonadoblastoma




Multiple variably sized round nests are distributed in a fibrous to cellular gonadal stroma. The nests contain three components: germ cells, small sex cord cells, and globular basement membrane deposits. Some germ cells are identical to those of dysgerminoma/seminoma/GCNIS,but others may resemble spermatogonia.



The sex cord cells may surround the germ cells or the basement membrane deposits or form a palisade at the periphery of nests. Leydig-like cells may be present in the surrounding stroma, and laminatedcalcifications are frequent on the basement membrane deposits, sometimes the only residual of a burnt-out gonadoblastoma. Occasional cases show large, anastomosing nests resembling germinoma. Testis or streak gonad may be found at the periphery.


In two thirds of cases, the surrounding areas have a corded pattern of the same component cells. These have been termed both "dissecting gonadoblastoma" and "undifferentiated gonadal tissue". In the single largest study, about half of the cases showed invasive germinoma (dysgerminoma/seminoma), with other invasive germ cell tumours in 10%. These areas show the characteristic morphology of those tumours.



Immunohistochemical staining is positive in a subset of the germ cells for markers characteristic of germinoma/dysgerminoma/GCNIS (OCT3/4, podoplanin, PLAP). The sex cord cells are positive for inhibin, calretinin, SF1, FOXL2, and (weakly) SOX9.

免疫组化染色在生殖细胞亚型中,表达生殖细胞瘤/无性细胞瘤/GCNIS特征标记物(OCT3/4, podoplanin, PLAP)。性索细胞inhibin、calretinin、SF1、FOXL2和SOX9(弱阳)呈阳性。

Essential and desirable diagnostic criteria

Essential (in patients with disorders of sex development) arrangement in rounded nests; nests contain heterogeneous germ cells (some resembling germinoma, dysgerminoma or GCNIS), small sex cord cells, round deposits of basement membrane, and frequent calcifications; many germ cells express OCT3/4, PLAP, and podoplanin; sex cord cell express inhibin, calretinin, SF1, and FOXL2.


必要的(对于性发育障碍患者):排列在圆形巢中,巢中含有不同种类的生殖细胞(一些类似于生殖细胞瘤、 无性细胞瘤或GCNIS)、小的性索细胞、圆形基底膜和常见钙化;许多生殖细胞表达OCT3/4、PLAP和podoplanin; 性索细胞表达inhibin、calretinin、SF1和FOXL2。


Fig. Gonadoblastoma.


A Gonadoblastoma with germinoma. Gonadoblastoma shows a variegated, pink to tan to white granular cut surface (top) and is associated with a solid white area (bottom) corresponding to a germinoma.

伴生殖细胞瘤的性母细胞瘤, 性腺母细胞瘤表现为多种颜色,切面呈粉红色到棕褐色到白色(上),并伴有与生殖细胞瘤相对应的实性白色区域(下)。

B Classic pattern of gonadoblastoma with discrete nests consisting of small, dark, sex cord cells; germ cells with clear cytoplasm; and round deposits of basement membrane material. One nest (bottom right) contains a calcification.


C The sex cord cells form a partial palisade at the periphery of a nest and are also arranged around basement membrane deposits and germ cells.



Fig. Gonadoblastoma.

A Burnt-out gonadoblastoma consisting of islands of irregular and mulberry-shaped calcifications devoid of tumour cells in a cellular stroma.

A 一种退变的性腺母细胞瘤,由不规则的细胞岛和桑葚样钙化组成,间质未见明显的肿瘤细胞。

B Large confluent nests of gonadoblastoma closely resemble germinoma at low power. Classic gonadoblastoma nests are seen at the top-right corner.


C Immunostaining for SF1 highlights the consistent sex cord component in the tumour shown in Panel B.

C SF1标记图B性索细胞。

D Cords and small nests (called dissecting gonadoblastoma or, alternatively, undifferentiated gonadal tissue) resemble a common pattern of germinoma.



Fig. A Gonadoblastoma and germinoma. Gonadoblastoma with admixed germinoma.


B Gonadoblastoma and germinoma. Inhibinstaining highlights the sex cord Component in the nests of gonadoblastoma and the lack thereof in the germinoma.


C Gonadoblastoma. The germ cells of gonadoblastoma are variably positive for OCT3/4.


D Gonadoblastoma. An inhibin immunostaining highlights the sex cord cells within small nests and ill-defined cords of undifferentiated gonadal tissue or dissecting gonadoblastoma.

D 性腺母细胞瘤。inhibin免疫染色在未分化的性腺组织或分割性性腺母细胞瘤中的小巢和界限模糊的条索样结构内显示性索细胞表达。

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